Previous versions General Purchase Conditions Production Material...(EKB)

Document number
docDE,ENALD00000326General Terms and Conditions for the purchase of production material and spare parts which are destined for the automobilePDF
docDE,ENALD00000366General Purchase Conditions Production Material and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles, Version 2018PDF
docDE,ENALD00001045Communication_to_Suppliers - EKB_2021PDF
docDE,ENALD00001045Communication_to_Suppliers - EKB_10-2018PDF
docDE,ENALD00001253FOSS General Terms and ConditionsPDF
docDE,ENALD00001263General Purchase Conditions Production Material and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles (2016)PDF
docDE,ENALD11000017General T&C for Development Work_non-exclusive_10-2019_enPDF
docDE,ENALD12000035Einkaufsbedingungen Entwicklung nicht-exklusiv 2021PDF
docDE,ENALD12000051General Purchase Conditions Production Material and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles 12/2021PDF